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Organisations that fail to take account of the latest digital trends and developments risk falling behind their competition and customer expectations, but not all business leaders know where to start when it comes to implementing and adopting new technologies. If you’re not sure what digital-enablement looks like for your business and what achieving it entails, we at Lumenia can help.

Through our rapid Digital Transformation Readiness service, Lumenia works with senior members of your team to develop a shared vision for your future technology landscape, balancing ambition with pragmatism. We build leadership awareness of what achieving that vision will entail, identifying opportunities, risks and constraints as part of our assessment. We help you to generate leadership buy-in and support to begin the journey from digital transformation vision to reality.

How We Can Help

  • Describing Your Digital Vision

Having a clear vision is the first step towards transformation success. We guide senior managers in articulating and aligning their vision for a digitally-enabled future with the core objectives of their business. A well-defined vision sets the scene for targeted investment in the right digital technologies for your business.

  • Understanding what Digital Transformation Involves

Transformational change requires more than just vision. We work with your senior team to develop an understanding of what a digital transformation programme entails, and the critical success factors for achieving your digital vision. We help you to understand the governance requirements, likely resource commitments, programme timescales and funding implications, and the potential shape of a transformation journey for your organisation.

  • Structured Readiness Assessment

We take a holistic approach to assessing your readiness for digital transformation, considering aspects of your existing IT landscape, process maturity, organisational culture, capacity and capability for change. We make recommendations for addressing any gaps, risks and obstacles that we identify so that you can better position your business for the next steps on your digital transformation journey.

  • Tailored Approach

We understand that every organisation is different. We tailor our approaches to reflect the specific dynamics and challenges of the individual clients that we work with, their size, scale and industry. Whether you are a large enterprise or a growing mid-size company, a manufacturer, a services business or not-for-profit organisation, we will work with you to address digital transformation readiness in the context of your business.

What to Expect

We work with you through a combination of one-to-one discussions, surveys, leadership workshops and presentations to gather information and opinions, educate, align and report back to your leadership team, all over a matter of weeks.

If you’re considering the first steps towards a digitally-empowered future but unsure of your footing, contact Lumenia to schedule a consultation.


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