ERP Project KPIs – keeping the Steering Team informed
BlogsHow does a Steering Team know if an ERP implementation project is progressing as it should? …Read moreDigital Transformation and Business Strategy Alignment: Top 3 considerations
BlogsAt the core of the concept of digital transformation is the idea that IT and business systems…Read moreERP Project Delivery - Lessons from the Front Line
BlogsI recently worked with a client whose ERP project delivery went… (how can I put this delicately…)…Read moreSolid ERP Contracts are a foundation of successful ERP projects
BlogsA truism of ERP projects is that they are not IT projects. This is usually used as a rallying call…Read moreERP Contracts
PublicationsERP implementation projects are collaborative, often complex, transformation projects. They have…Read moreBuying ERP During Covid-19 – Silver Linings?
BlogsThe Covid-19 pandemic has seen most organisations battening down the hatches when it comes to…Read more
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