An ERP Project: Business-led, Not IT-led!
The last thing an ERP project needs is to be perceived as an ‘IT project’. If the impression is created that the project is the responsibility of the IT department then the chances of the business taking ownership of the solution drop dramatically. It’s perfectly acceptable to have IT-led projects for technical upgrades or other projects where the users see little or no functional difference to the system.
However, an IT-led ERP project will inevitably tend to focus on the technical aspects of delivering the solution with less emphasis on the users’ requirements and the detail of the business processes the solution is supporting. That’s a recipe for disaster for most ERP projects.

IT-led projects tend to suffer in terms of the level of engagement and solution ownership from the business. Lack of engagement from users during solution design increases the risk that the solution will be flawed in some way and pretty much guarantees that issues will arise once the system goes live. Clearly the IT team should provide their skills and expertise to assist the business people assigned to the ERP project team, but ultimately the business has to engage with the project, the business has to ensure they’re happy with the solution design, and the business has to verify that the system has been configured correctly.
From the start an ERP project needs:
- Leadership: Visible commitment from senior management and the project sponsor to the project and its importance to the business.
- Resources: The best people from the business need to be assigned to the project and given the time they need to do their tasks.
- Ongoing Business Ownership: Check regularly that the project is delivering the solution the business needs and achieving the anticipated business benefits.
Lumenia has developed an ERP Readiness Workshop for Senior Managers which is aimed, among other things, at helping senior management teams to understand the importance of business ownership in an ERP project.
This Blog was written by John Donagher, Managing Partner at Lumenia. If you would like further information on ERP Implementation or on any other aspect of ERP please send an e-mail to John Donagher.