Successful Implementation with a part-time team - can it be done?
BlogsHaving a full-time dedicated team made up of your best people is one of the key success factors for…Read moreMap the Business to the ERP System or Vice Versa
BlogsSo, the big decision has been made. The company is going to purchase an ERP system. You have the…Read moreERP in Service Industries - What are the available options?
BlogsIn recent years we have seen much of the traditional manufacturing industries in Europe relocate to…Read moreERP Contracts
BlogsI’ve recently been involved at the contract negotiation stage on a number of ERP projects, and I’ve…Read moreERP in Pharmaceutical Distribution
BlogsThe relationships between drug manufacturers, distributors and end-customers are complex and taken…Read moreEffective Stakeholder Management
Blogs‘Stakeholders’ are the individuals and groups which are, or are likely to be, impacted by the…Read more
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