ERP System Demonstrations
BlogsThe system demonstration is a critical element in a structured ERP system selection process. What…Read moreERP in Process Industries
BlogsSpecialised and diverse functional requirements place significant demands on the ERP systems which…Read moreERP VS Best of Breed: What You Need to Consider
BlogsThe decision on ERP vs. Best of Breed is one that many companies need to make: Do they go with…Read moreRole Mapping : Critical Intersection on the Road to ERP Implementation
BlogsRole Mapping is a key step in the ERP implementation process. The completion of this work creates…Read moreImprove the Bottom Line with ERP and Good Website Design
BlogsImagine an easy-to-use website, backed by efficient fulfilment processes, comprehensive commercial…Read moreContract Negotiation in ERP Projects
BlogsYou have analysed the proposed licence and support costs, the number of implementation days and the…Read more
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