Living with Legacy ERP? Should you upgrade or replace?

Many ERP products implemented over the past decade have reached the end of the road. Soon to be, or already, unsupported.

SAP ECC 6.0, Microsoft Dynamics AX2012, Oracle eBusiness Suite are some examples. Upgrading to major new versions is not always a simple proposition.

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Living with Legacy ERP Lumenia White Paper
Living with Legacy ERP? Should you upgrade or replace
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White Paper Features
Describes key technical considerations
Describes key technical considerations to most upgrade V’s replace decisions
Considers business decision drivers
Considers business decision drivers which may force a replace or re-implement approach
Key benefits of upgrading
Highlights some key benefits of upgrading an existing platform compared to a complete change

Living with Legacy ERP? Should you upgrade or replace?

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In theory, major upgrades should be a thing of the past as many newer cloud ERP solutions run on an “evergreen” model, with frequent release cycles and all users upgrading together or within a defined and limited period. That is well and good if you have implemented one of these newer cloud versions, but what if you are running Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012, SAP ECC6, Oracle eBusiness Suite or a range of other previous generation versions of market-leading ERP solutions?

Should you upgrade, or should you replace?

Download this latest paper from leading independent ERP consultants Lumenia Consulting today for free.

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