How much does ERP Cost Report

How much does ERP cost? This Lumenia Consulting White Paper examines ERP costs in detail and sets out the main cost components that are applicable to any ERP project.

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ERP Cost Report
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How much does ERP Cost Report

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How much does ERP cost? The correct answer to this question is the same as that which applies to the length of the proverbial piece of string – it depends. The truth is, without an understanding of the scope of a proposed project and a host of other considerations it is not really possible to make a sensible estimate of cost. However, it is possible to identify the main ERP cost components.

This Lumenia Consulting white paper examines ERP costs in detail and sets out the main cost components that are applicable to any ERP project. It includes: 

  • Project cost versus Total Cost of Ownership 
  • Internal and external project cost components
  • Project cost versus recurring cost 
  • The dangers of ERP cost benchmarking surveys
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