ERP Strategy Options for M&A Growth

Organisations that have grown through acquisition often find themselves with a spider’s web of different systems and no clear route to defining a coherent, realistic and workable systems strategy.

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ERP Strategy Options for M&A Driven Growth
ERP Strategy Options for M&A Driven Growth White Paper
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ERP Strategy Options for M&A Driven Growth White Paper

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Organisations that have grown through acquisition often find themselves with a spider’s web of different systems and no clear route to defining a coherent, realistic and workable systems strategy.

There are usually many potential options, and the best one isn’t always obvious. Multi-divisional organisations can be highly complex, with many different aspects requiring consideration.

This latest industry report from leading independent ERP experts Lumenia Consulting, 'ERP Strategy Options for Merger & Acquisition Driven Growth' looks in depth at the merits of three possible long-term erp system strategy options. Download your copy for free today! 

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