Business Systems Strategy following Merger or Acquisition

Have you recently gone through a merger or acquisition? Do you need to develop a business systems strategy to support integration of the new business? 

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Business Systems Strategy: following Merger or Acquisition White Paper
Business Systems Strategy: following Merger or Acquisition
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Business Systems Strategy following Merger or Acquisition White Paper

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A merger or acquisition will often raise important questions about business systems in the organisation. Should the new combined business run on a single ERP solution or will the new entity continue to use some or all of its existing systems? What are the pros and cons of each approach? If change is required, what’s the optimal way to manage this? How much will it cost?

A business systems strategy will provide answers to questions like these and set out a roadmap to guide future investments in IT. Lumenia’s Business Systems Strategy following Merger or Acquisition White Paper details some of the issues involved and provides guidance on how to develop a strategy.

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