ERP Readiness Workshop for Senior Managers

ERP project success depends on senior management commitment. Lumenia’s ERP Readiness Workshop for Senior Management Teams is designed to reinforce commitment and ensure that senior managers have a common understanding of the planned ERP project and how it will affect the organisation.

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ERP Readiness Workshop for Senior Managers
ERP Readiness Workshop for Senior Managers
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ERP Readiness Workshop for Senior Managers

Many organisations begin ERP projects without a clear understanding at senior management level of the implications in terms of cost, resources, business disruption and potential future business process change. Not surprisingly, many of these projects fail.

Lumenia’s ERP Readiness Workshop for Senior Management Teams is designed to address the knowledge gaps and expectation differences that may exist at senior management level so that a planned ERP project can be set up for success. While the workshop can be run at any point up to the start of implementation, ideally it should take place before starting a selection process for an ERP solution.

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